We have just completed the first phase of our new project in support of the Syrian refugee population of Lebanon, in collaboration with Sonbola Education Initiative (Lebanon) and Nai Foundation (Austria).

DSC_2614trainingDeborah Parker spent a week in the Sonbola education centre in Marej, (a small locality near Chtaura in the Bekaa valley), training a group of teachers and support workers in psycho-social music pedagogy, to develop their strategies for caring for children in the refugee camps nearby. The camps involved were Tarib al Saida and Tall Waza Camp.

The week’s course was received very well, establishing a group of trainees who responded with enthusiasm and dedication to this new socio-pedagogic approach in music, and who will now put on trial a number of techniques and strategies practiced during the workshop.

From Prima Materia’s point of view, this first visit has served to understand better the situation of Syrian refugees in the Bekaa valley, and within Lebanon’s social and political context, in order to identify the most effective way of supporting teachers and carers in their emergency work with children suffering from stress, trauma and intolerable living conditions.

We are preparing other documentation about the project which will be published soon.