Music & Resilience in Ukraine
During 2024 Music & Resilience started to collaborate with Mediterranea Saving Humans on their supply missions in Ukraine. Mediterranea has been operating in Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion, providing human and material support to refugee populations.
During 2024, M&R participated in 3 resupply missions, adding their musical activities to the donations for refugees in the Lviv area. The latest of these missions was from 29 December to 6 January, involving Alberto, Marco, Maria and Sara.
M&R with the Palestinian community of Bologna
In a small room at the Katia Bertasi Center in Bologna, children and mothers from Gaza spent a couple of hours playing and singing with Music & Resilience's staff.
“This is our Resistance” in Colle Val d’Elsa
The series of screenings of our documentary, beautifully created by Francesco Corsi, are going on. On the evening of december the 18th we were at Teatro del Popolo in Colle Val d'Elsa, for a nice evening organized by Forum per la Pace (Forum for Peace). The evening programme was: [...]
“This is our resistance” documentary in Bologna
The M&R documentary by Francesco Corsi, This is our resistance, was screened by the association Percorsi di Pace (in the "house for peace" La Filanda, Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna), where two classes from the local Lucio Dalla Music High School joined us too. Before and after the event, between [...]
United in music and resistance: an evening for M&R
On Saturday 30 November, an evening in support of Music & Resilience took place at Prima Materia. The evening featured discussions, interviews, music and food: Ahmad El Kheir - M&R project coordinator in Lebanon Jana Alyussif - Palestinian student from Sidon refugee in Lebanon First ever screening of the [...]
“This is pur resistance”: M&R documentary
Francesco Corsi made a wonderful documentary about our project, following us this summer during our Community Music activities, while in South Lebanon the conflict was escalating and we, a group of around 50 Palestinian musicians and 10 Italians in the Tarablus District in North Lebanon, were organising a summer [...]
Music & Resilience in Trieste with Aulòs
Chiara, Marco and Sara presented Music & Resilience in Trieste on 26 October, at the Knulp bookshop bar, in an event organised thanks to APS Aulòs Musicoterapia.
M&R at the “Congress Music and Music Therapy for Dialogue between cultures”
Deborah, Marco and Sara took part in the conference Music and Music Therapy for Dialogue between Cultures held on Saturday 19 October at Sermig in Turin, where they presented the Music & Resilience project. It was a wonderful experience and opportunity for mutual exchange, and for reflection on how [...]
M&R Summer Camp 2024
On Saturday 10 August, the final concert of this year’s M&R activities took place, rounding off the Summer Camp 2024 organised as always with our partner Beit Atfal Assumoud.
The Summer Camp was hosted by the Orthodox College of Bkeftine, in the district of Koura, south of Tarablus. Here all the students (a total of 53 boys and girls) from all the camps involved in this year’s project (six: Nahr-El-Bared, Beddawi, Shatila, Burj El Barjeh, Ein-El-Helwa and Rashidiye), the entire M&R team (12 people), the Al Kamandjati musicians, and all the Assumoud staff gathered.
To have completed the difficult task of preparing a full concert in one week is not only a technical and professional achievement: it is an act of resistance against adverse historical, social and political conditions, a demonstration of how the human soul can stand firm and strong in friendship and beauty.
M&R summer activities 2024, first week done
The first week of activities of the Music & Resilience project in Lebanon has been concluded. It was a week marked by interruptions, programme changes, sudden decisions and a lot, a lot, of adaptability.
There is anticipation for next week's summer camp, which should finally bring together students from five refugee camps: Nahr-El-Bared, Beddawi, Shatila, Ein-El-Helwa and Rashidiye to build together the repertoire for a big final concert.
Day and night there is always extra attention, care and hospitality that make us feel part of a big Palestinian family.
Music & Resilience in Mazara del Vallo (TP)
On Saturday 29 June, at the Civic - urban innovation laboratory in Mazara del Vallo (TP), Music and Resilience, music as good practice to support the community was held.
This event, organised by Casa della Comunità Speranza, Prima Materia and Music & Resilience, in collaboration with the Conservatory of Palermo (through the Erasmus+ project KA171) and the Municipality of Mazara del Vallo, discussed experiences and testimonies of music and music therapy activities in Lebanon, Palestine, Tunisia and Italy.
Getting ready for M&R 2024
The almost complete Italian team met at Prima Materia over the weekend of 22-23 June to prepare for departure.
In the same days we met with another group, present at Prima Materia to receive training in Community Music as a resource to counter social marginalisation through inclusive collective music actions: the MUSA project. As always, these kinds of meetings are very beautiful and fruitful for our way of working and seeing the world!