After 9 months of waiting and hoping, at last it is possible to travel to Lebanon again. From 11th to 21st December 2020, with the support of Montespertoli council and Città Metropolitana Firenze, and on behalf of the PM M&R coordination team, Deborah Parker will lead a 10-day program of monitoring, evaluation, training and supervision, together with Assumoud, in all the localities where project actions take place: Beirut, Beddawi, Saida and Baalbek.

During these months of covid restrictions, with no group activities in the Assumoud centres, PM has offered distance support, including online supervision for the music therapy team.

The visit will be used for strategic planning of actions in 2021, in particular regarding the recuperation of community and psychosocial music workshops, as soon as the covid crisis permits.

The visit also provides an opportunity for gathering narrations directly from the Palestinian refugee community regarding present-day life conditions, due not only to the sanitary crisis, but also to the prolonged economic and political chaos of the host country.

On Monday 28th December at 18:00 hours, these witness accounts will form the basis of an online conference for the local Italian community, thus maintaining awareness in one of the project’s main partner populations.

This project action is sponsored by the comune di Montespertoli and the Città Metropolitana di Firenze – our thanks for this support!