We are just back from a 3 week stay in Lebanon, continuing M&R in both its aspects of Music Therapy (MT) and Community Music (CM). The Prima Materia team numbered 12, including the project coordinators, 6 CM teachers, 2 MT trainees, and 2 volunteers.

Thank you to everyone who supported this mission in our crowd-funding campaign, which is still open, for anyone else who wishes to contribute to M&R!

And many thanks also to Welfare Association Lebanon for the direct funding to Assumoud in support of M&R.

beddawi orchestra light

The CM team worked with 30 young Palestinian musicians in the Assumoud centres of Saida and Beddawi, together with their local trainers, in 2 music camps, finishing with all children together in Beddawi camp for a final week of rehearsals before giving 2 concerts. Photos and films here!

Look out for the video of the last concert – coming soon!

The MT trainee students completed 2 weeks of psychosocial music therapy support work with 4 groups of children identified by Assumoud’s mental health teams.


MT trainees Alberto Balducci and Elisabeta Tornicelli, guiding psychosocial music support in Saida FGC

Prima Materia also began a collaboration with Blue Mission Organization, a lebanese NGO based in Saida, working with the Syrian refugee population. A preliminary training in psychosocial music support was given for 14 social staff and activators working in the numerous Syrian refugee shelters (’emergency, temporary’ settlements, not officially recognised by the UN, which become necessarily ‘permanent’) in the Saida area.


visiting one of the Syrian shelters


a shelter home

group light

The Blue Mission trainee group

Meetings were held with interested local NGOs and potential sponsors, in order to plan future strategies for the project’s overall development.