Meeting with Wavel coordinator Aziza (17 Feb 2018)


Pm coordinator Deborah Parker is in Lebanon this week for meetings with ‘Beit Atfal Assumoud’, our local partner, and  Welfare Association, the principal sponsor of the music programmes; and field visits to the centres where this year’s actions will take place – with our old friends in Beddawi and Saida, and with a new project just starting up in Wavel camp, Baalbek (North-East Lebanon).


welfare meeting 4 (800x450)

Meeting with Welfare, Assumoud Director Kassem Aina, and music coordinators (19 Feb 2018)


PM’s next visit will be in April, when music director Henry Brown will lead a team of 5 Community Music operators, to run the preparatory workshops for this Summer’s Music Camps Saida and Beddawi.



Please support our young Palestinian musician friends and Beit Atfal Assumoud, who is taking care of them!

Thank you.