Category: Uncategorized

16Jun, 2019

Music therapy research continues…

By |June 16, 2019|Music Therapy Programme, Uncategorized|

Prima Materia has just hosted a week-end of training for 3 music therapists, led by Deborah Parker (project coordinator), in order to standardize evaluation rating for the video-recorded data from the research project, investigating the efficacy of music therapy in improving the emotional and social functioning of Palestinian refugee children from Lebanon. Together with Deborah, Alberto Balducci (Pistoia), Marco Lolli (Bologna) and Alessandra Meneghello (Thiene) will be responsable for the video evaluation, thus completing research data. All data will then be analysed by a statistics team from Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy London UK, prior to publishing, planned for 2020. The project [...]

29Jun, 2018

Baalbek mission completed!

By |June 29, 2018|Community Music Programme, Uncategorized|

  Our 2 weeks in the Assumoud Centre in Waevel refugee camp are over - many fruitful and enjoyable moments with the staff groups from Assumoud and Inaash association, and with the children ... training, playing, singing, dancing ...    the instruments collected in Italy are safely stowed in their cupboard, waiting for the Summer activities to continue...    thanks to everyone who contributed to this venture, and also to the carpenter Abu Rabir who mended Chiara's guitar, which will go to the Saida Community Music programme. Stay with us for news of the Summer Camp Final Concert at Tarablus [...]

20Feb, 2018

2018 action planning meetings

By |February 20, 2018|Community Music Programme, Uncategorized|

Meeting with Wavel coordinator Aziza (17 Feb 2018)   Pm coordinator Deborah Parker is in Lebanon this week for meetings with 'Beit Atfal Assumoud', our local partner, and  Welfare Association, the principal sponsor of the music programmes; and field visits to the centres where this year's actions will take place - with our old friends in Beddawi and Saida, and with a new project just starting up in Wavel camp, Baalbek (North-East Lebanon).   Meeting with Welfare, Assumoud Director Kassem Aina, and music coordinators (19 Feb 2018)   PM's next visit will be in April, when music [...]

31Mar, 2017

A new donor for M&R

By |March 31, 2017|Support and sponsorship, Uncategorized|

We have just received a generous donation from Cheap Street Church, Sherborne, Dorset (UK). THANK YOU to the Church council, congregation and community for supporting M&R; we look forward to coming to present the project locally. Anyone else who would like to support M&R can do so via our crowd-funding campaign.  

5Mar, 2017

Planning for April …

By |March 5, 2017|Community Music Programme, Music Therapy Programme, Uncategorized|

Beddawi Community Music group at work, Friday 3rd March 2017. This week PM has completed follow-up visits to Beddawi and Saida Community Music groups, for detailed planning of the April workshops, when a team of 6 musicians from Italy, Spain and UK (including 4 students from the Erasmus Plus MARS project) will work with children and trainers for 8 days, in preparation for the Summer program. Follow-up was also provided for the Music Therapy research project; data collection is planned during 2017, prior to analysis and presentation in 2018.

12Feb, 2017

Report M&R 2016

By |February 12, 2017|Community Music Programme, Music Therapy Programme, Support and sponsorship, Uncategorized|

Here is the full report of our actions in 2016: we invite you to read what we were able to achieve in the Music Therapy and Community Music programs, and how much it meant for some of the children involved: mr-full-report-for-sponsors-and-donors-nov-2016 Thank you, as always, to our many sponsors and donors, who enable us to continue this work; institutional funding is harder and harder to find, and we rely on the initiative of well-wishers in their continued support. You can donate via our crowd-funding campaign - thank you!

2Jul, 2016

Support Music & Resilience 2016!

By |July 2, 2016|Community Music Programme, Music Therapy Programme, Support and sponsorship, Uncategorized|

We just started a crowdfunding campaign on to support project Music and Resilience in summer 2016. This year a group of volunteer teachers and students from Prima Materia will follow and develop the musical resources in two refugee camps together with our partner Beit Atfal Assumoud بيت اطفال الصمود. Support us on

31May, 2016

diario di un viaggio infinito …

By |May 31, 2016|Uncategorized|

Pubblicato dai nostri amici dell'associazione PerCorsi nella rivista quadrimestrale PerCorsi Bio Salute (febbraio 2016: anno VIII: n°1) un articolo sullo scambio M&R 2013. Scritto dalla coordinatrice dello scambio, Rebecca Brown, e una delle giovani partecipanti, Silvia Filipponi, con estratti dei diari che i ragazzi hanno tenuti durante la permanenza di 3 settimane nel campo profughi Burj Elshamali, Tiro (Sud Libano). Art Libano Per Corsi Buona lettura!

30Dec, 2015

2015 in review

By |December 30, 2015|Uncategorized|

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog. Here's an excerpt: A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 850 times in 2015. If it were a cable car, it would take about 14 trips to carry that many people. Click here to see the complete report.

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